The SA28 is an original Schreyer Audio design. A surprisingly loud 28 watts from a dual 6L6 fixed bias output stage driven by a split load phase inverter. Two input jacks (#1 High full input) , #2 Low (-6dB) or patch out full. A bright/normal switch,
Originally Inspired by the 5F2A narrow panel Princeton of the late 50’s, the ‘SA7’ builds on a classic theme adding a few modern upgrades. Similar to the Tweed Harvard 6G10 version, we house the combo amp in the slightly larger cab and drive a 10 inch speaker for more volume output.
The Schreyer Audio ‘SA35’ is an original design inspired by our favorite mid powered blackface era amplifiers from the 60’s. These amps were powered in the 40watt range from a pair of fixed bias 6L6s. We think this is a great power level
Inspired by the original narrow panel Tweed Deluxe of the late 1950’s (model 5E3), the “SA14″ is an all tube, point-to-point hand wired guitar amplifier. The 5E3 circuit design captures the classic tones heard on numerous recordings through the years.
SOB1x12: Schreyer Audio offers a 1×12 cabinet. This can be used with any of our heads or as an extension cabinet for any of our combo amplifiers. The SOB1x12 speaker has a 50-watt rating on its own.
SOB2x12: Schreyer Audio offers a 2×12 cabinet. This can be used with any of our heads or as an extension cabinet for any of our combo amplifiers. The SOB2x12 is rated at 100watts.
Schreyer Audio amplifiers are built with a single purpose: to deliver musicians pure, powerful, and precision-crafted sound. Handcrafted in Raleigh, NC, each of our all-tube amplifiers is assembled with meticulous point-to-point wiring, blending the timeless technique of vintage craftsmanship with modern reliability.
Has used the EDS45, and SA14.
Has used the SA14. Performed with Dead Horses, 'Mescalito', on Lost Highway Records
Used some of the earlier models, The Moonlight, and Santa Cruz. Performed with Counting Crows.
Uses the SA14 and SA28.
Used The EDS45. Performed with Tyrone Wells and The Pawn Shop Kings.
Used the EDS45. Performed with Sweet Tooth
Used The EDS45.
Appearing with Lady Antebellum.
Used the EDS45 and Sage28H. Appearing with The Northstar Session
Used the 'The Kraken' and SA28 , Appeared with Deadline Friday
Used The Kraken 2x12. Appeared with Deadline Friday.
Used the 'Moonlight' and Sage14. Appeared with RIch Robinson.
Our amplifiers are built to deliver rich, warm tones, made by hand in Raleigh, NC.